Explore the database
About the Reese lab Kinase & Pseudokinase database
About the database
The kinase/pseudokinase database is aimed for both the kinase naive and kinase-specialist audience. The goal is to provide an evolutionary perspective on the kinases
of parasites and their host organisms. A major unique feature of the database is the ability to search based on both standard and customized motifs.
This information can both help predict catalytic activity and susceptibility to specific inhibitors.
Citing the database
Currently we are in alpha testing. Once we move on to beta testing, a manuscript will be submitted to bioRxiv that can be cited (and we'll hopefully have a publication shortly thereafter!).
Contact the Reese lab
You can visit the www.ReeseLab.org for more information on the lab.Email Dr. Michael Reese.
Help using the database
Frequently asked questions
Please see our FAQ to get answers to common questions and basic background on the database.
Learn about kinase structure & motifs
Efficient use of the database requires a basic working knowledge of kinase motifs and their nomenclature.
We have attempted to provide a basic overview of kinase structure and biochemistry aimed at the non-specialist.
Organisms in the database
Links to data sources and information on the organisms whose kinomes appear in the database.